Backlinks to TopicFunction in Applications/BlogApp Web (Search all webs)

Results from Applications/BlogApp web retrieved at 03:18 (GMT)

Documentation This method is called by RenderCategory to display a summary for an object of type ClassifiedTopic. Parameters * OBJECT * THEICON Implementa...
Documentation Parameters * OBJECT Implementation %DBQUERY{topic="" format=" $expand(topictitle) /$web/$topic $expand(@publishauthor.t...
Description ... Documentation Type Hierarchy Installation ... Manifest
Documentation TODO Parameters * CAT: render archive links in this Category (optional) * THEWEB: web to read blog entries, default: BASEWEB Implementation ...
Documentation TODO Parameters * NONE Implementation %IF{"'' ingroup 'BlogAuthorGroup' or '' ingroup 'AdminGroup'" then="$percntDBCALL{\"Applications/BlogA...
Documentation This TopicFunction displays a collection of BlogEntries within the given CATegory and/or TAG. Parameters * SKIP: offset into the archive * LI...
Documentation Parameters * CLASS: to be added to the container * THEWEB: web to search for blog entries, default BASEWEB Implementation %DBPREV{ web="" ...
Documentation Parameters * THETOPIC, defaults to BASEWEB.BASETOPIC * TITLE_EXTRA * SHOWREVINFO: boolean flag to switch on/off revinfo Implementation "...
Documentation TODO Parameters * CAT: top category whose subcategories are displayed, defaults to TopCategory Implementation %HIERARCHY{ web="" top="'!=''...
Documentation Parameters * THETOPIC to display the counts for * COMMENTSYSTEM Implementation %DBCALL{ "Applications.BlogApp.RenderNumberOfComments" ...
Documentation TODO Parameters * LIMIT: maximal number of BlogEntries to list * CAT: optionally render restrict list to this category * THEWEB: blog web...
Documentation This function is used to render a section in a sidebar listing the recent comments last month limitted to a max of 10 by default. To fetch the list ...
Documentation This function renders a list of recent BlogEntries in the given web. Only published postings will be rendered as well as those not tagged "blogonly"...
Documentation TODO Parameters * SIDEBAR: kind of sidebar to display Implementation %WEBLINK{ format="$title" web="" }% %DBCALL{ "Applications/Blog...
Documentation This needs Foswiki:Extensions/SolrPlugin Parameters * NONE Implementation %SOLRSIMILAR{"id:." filter="web: type:topic field_TopicType_lst:B...
Number of topics: 15
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