Function: RenderFunctionCallers

Render a list of topics that use a given TopicFunction




---++ Calls to '%INCLUDINGTOPIC%'
%~~ DBQUERY{"text=~'\b%INCLUDINGTOPIC%\b'"
~~~   exclude="%INCLUDINGTOPIC%"
~~~   format="   * [[$web.$topic][$topic]]"
~~~ }%

Calls to 'RenderFunctionCallers'

%~~ DBQUERY{"text=~'\bRenderFunctionCallers\b'" ~~~ exclude="RenderFunctionCallers" ~~~ format=" * $topic" ~~~ }% *~~

TopicForm edit

TopicType TopicFunction
TopicDescription Render a list of topics that use a given TopicFunction
This topic: PRINCE2 > TopicFunction > RenderFunctionCallers
Topic revision: 19 October 2005, ProjectContributor
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