Introducing Aarogya, a cutting-edge Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) designed to support hospitals of all sizes. This comprehensive software covers every aspect of hospital management and operations, bringing about improvements in efficiency, cost reduction, error prevention, and the delivery of high-quality care.

Aarogya's user-friendly Hospital Patient Management System offers flexibility through modular design. Hospitals can prioritize the deployment of critical modules based on their specific patient care goals, ensuring a tailored and seamless implementation process. With Aarogya, healthcare providers can navigate their daily tasks with ease and optimize their operations to deliver exceptional care.

Hospital Management Software

UserForm edit

FirstName Aarogya
LastName Software
OrganisationName Dataman Software Pvt. Ltd
Profession Product Manager
Country India
State Uttar Pradesh
Address 25/16, Karachi Khana,
Location Kanpur - 208001 (U.P), India
Telephone +91 9415406114
InstantMessaging (IM) +91 9415406114
Comment At Dataman, we are dedicated to revolutionizing hospital management with our advanced hospital software solutions Our comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools and technologies is designed to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and improve patient care.
Topic revision: r2 - 11 July 2023, SoniVerma
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