Your spoken presentation is as important as your slide deck and case study copy. Follow these simple steps to build a strong business case.
You should be focusing on telling a great tale
A case study tells the story of someone who overcomes a problem and succeeds in achieving something greater. That should be the basis of your presentation. You should move beyond the standard benefits => features selling formula. Instead, make your client the hero of the study. Depict the path they took and how you have helped them succeed.
It is possible to make the premises of your story as simple as
- Assistance with getting over a hurdle
- Gaining significant impact
- Attaining a new milestone
- No one else has solved a problem like it
Use the information to create a clear story arc. Show the origins of your hero. Next, explain the type of journey they have been on. You can add emotion to your story to make it more personal and memorable.
Copywriting refers to the science and art that organizes words into convincing and persuasive combinations that help readers retain key ideas.
Some of the most classic copywriting formulas can be used to help you structure your presentation so that your audience takes away the best parts from your case study presentation. These are:
- AIDCA is short for Attention Interest, Desire and Conviction. Begin by addressing the problem. Next, tease them with some facts. You can spark their interest by showing them you are able to find the solution. Show them that you are confident in your ability to solve the problem. Then prompt follow-up actions such as calling you to find out more.
- PADS is short for Problem, Agitation, Discredit, and Solution. This is not a salesy way to do case study narration. Once again, you begin with a problem, argue about its importance, discredit the reasons why other solutions won’t work, then present your choice.
- 4Ps stands for Problem Promise, Proposal, Proof, Proposal. This middle ground option puts storytelling ahead of hard pitches. Start by setting the scene. Make a promise to solve the problem. Demonstrate proof through numbers, testimonials, or other scenarios. You can also add a proposal to get the same outcomes.
Look at it from an emotional perspective
To build a strong connection with your audience, you must show that they are like you and that it is possible to fully understand their situation.
A way to make this connection is to speak from an emotion-inducing viewpoint. This can be illustrated best by an example:
- A bank employee helped a business owner.
- A bank branch was opened by a business owner.
In the second example, the words prompt listeners to create a mental picture using the bank employee's perspective -- something they would relate to. You can put your audience in the right perspective to make them more responsive to your pitches. Case study presentation hard for writing, help every client to write or design his assignment.
Related Resources:
Three Proven Tips for Creating a Case Study Presentation
How to plan your presentation
How to plan your presentation
Step-by-step instructions on how to make a presentation outline