internal package Foswiki::UI::RDiff

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internal package Foswiki::UI::RDiff

UI functions for diffing.

StaticMethod diff( $session )

diff command handler. This method is designed to be invoked via the UI::run method.

Renders the differences between version of a topic
topic topic that we are showing the differences of
rev1 the higher revision
rev2 the lower revision
render the rendering style {sequential, sidebyside, raw, debug} (preferences) DIFFRENDERSTYLE, sequential
type {history, diff, last} history diff, version to version, last version to previous history
context number of lines of context
skin the skin(s) to use to display the diff
  • add a {word} render style
  • move the common CGI param handling to one place
  • move defaults somewhere

Topic revision: r1 - 21 November 2014, ProjectContributor
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