50 recent changes in System Web retrieved at 01:28 (GMT)

MetaCommentPlugin This is YACS (yet another comment system) which tries to * (a) be easy to use, * (b) scale up to lots of comments * (c) provide differe...
MimeIconPlugin This plugin tries to map known mime types commonly found on the internet to an icon set. There are not many icon sets that have a got coverage of m...
JQMomentContrib This package integrates the moment.js library into Foswiki. The full API documentation is available at http://momentjs.com/docs/ Example E...
JQueryAjaxHelper This page contains a set of example JQueryPlugin helpers that can be used in wiki applications. The examples demonstrate how you can dynamically ...
JQueryAnimate Summary %JQPLUGINS{"animate" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% A cross browser library of CS...
JQueryCorner %JQPLUGINS{"corner" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% This plugin adds cross browser support fo...
JQueryCycle %JQPLUGINS{"cycle" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% The jQuery Cycle Plugin is a lightweight sl...
JQueryFluidFont %JQPLUGINS{"fluidfont" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% Recompute the font size of an eleme...
JQueryFocus %JQPLUGINS{"focus" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% This plugin sets the focus on a form input ...
JQueryFontAwesome %JQPLUGINS{"fontawesome" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% This plugin adds support for th...
JQueryInnerFade %JQPLUGINS{"innerfade" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% InnerFade is a small plugin for the...
JQueryLoader %JQPLUGINS{"loader" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% This plugin allows to reload parts of a p...
JQueryMasonry %JQPLUGINS{"masonry" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% Masonry is a JavaScript grid layout lib...
JQueryPNotify %JQPLUGINS{"pnotify" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% Full featured plugin to show temporary...
JQueryPlugin Description "jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and a...
JQueryRender %JQPLUGINS{"render" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% This plugin brings modern template based ...
JQuerySerialScroll %JQPLUGINS{"serialscroll" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% This plugin allows you to eas...
JQuerySuperfish %JQPLUGINS{"superfish" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% Superfish is an enhanced Suckerfish...
JQueryUIAutocomplete %JQPLUGINS{"ui::autocomplete" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% Autocomplete, when adde...
JQueryUITooltip Summary %JQPLUGINS{"ui::tooltip" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% Usage To load the libr...
JQueryView %JQPLUGINS{"view" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% This plugin adds JsViews functionality to the...
JQICON render an image Renders an icon made availabe by the IconService. Parameters Parameter Description Default "name" name of the icon to displa...
JQICONPATH render the url path to an image icon This is a shortcut for: Note that this macro only makes sense for image icons, those that refer to a single image ...
TABPANE tabpane widget This macro starts the tabpane, containing a series of TAB...ENDTABs and ends with ENDTABPANE. A complete tabpane normally looks like this: ...
ImagePlugin Use this plugin to control the display and alignment of images using an easy syntax and support for server side resizing and thumbnailing. There are a...
GridLayoutPlugin Description GridLayoutPlugin implements a 12er grid system for flexible layouts. A grid is a set of HTML div elements that are styled in a way ...
FlexFormPlugin This plugin leverages the internal capabilities to render an interface for .DataForms and adds insights to the acutal DataForm definition itself ...
DateManipPlugin Description This plugin adds the power of date time manipulations of Date::Manip to Foswiki: * localized formatting of date time * time de...
AutoTemplatePlugin %IF{"context 'AutoViewTemplatePluginEnabled' and context 'AutoTemplatePluginEnabled'" then=" WARNING: You have enabled both AutoTemp...
JQDataTablesPlugin Overview This plugin implements a widget to enhance normal HTML tables with extra navigation features such as sorting, filtering and paginatin...
BlogPlugin This plugin comes as a WikiApp to run a weblog using Foswiki. Based on the WikiWorkbench approach, it may be used to instantiate as many blogs as you ...
ClassificationPlugin Description ClassificationPlugin is a taxonomy and folksonomy extension for Foswiki that allows you to manage knowledge assets stored in yo...
JSTreeContrib This add on packages up the jQuery "jsTree" plugin to give you poserful support for display and manipulation of n ary tree data. See http://www.jstr...
WikiWorkbenchContrib Introduction The WikiWorkbench standardizes writing, deploying and using wiki applications on Foswiki. It builds on the core concepts of sta...
DBCachePlugin Description This is a lightweight frontend to the DBCacheContrib. The provided macros DBQUERY and DBCALL can be used as a replacement for SEARCH an...
RenderPlugin Description This plugin implements three simple REST handlers to get content from Foswiki. For example, these can be used to easily replace a server...
MetaDataPlugin This plugin allows to store data sets to Foswiki topics. Foswiki itself is a structured wiki already using .DataForms which are attached a topic. ...
IconService The IconService functions as a central definition and delivery method for all sorts of icons: image icons as well as font icons. Different kinds of i...
#VarMIMEICON MIMEICON{"filename"} return a meaningful icon for this filename * Syntax: %MIMEICON{"filename"}% * Supported parameters: Parameter ...
TopicInteractionPlugin Description This plugin redesigns the way how users interact with topics and attachments in various ways: * improved attachment handlin...
DBCacheContrib Reusable code that caches Foswiki topics, and provides fast searches of the content. Summary of Contents This module supports fast structured quer...
FilterPlugin Description This plugin allows to substitute and extract information from content by using regular expressions. There are three different types of n...
MoreFormfieldsPlugin Description This plugin implements a set of additional special purpose formfields to be used in DataForm definitions. To make use of these f...
NEW - 02 Oct 2018 - 13:35 by micha
MultiLingualPlugin This plugin enables you to create wiki content in multiple languages. While Foswiki normally supports over 20 languages to internationalize its...
JQueryUIDialog Summary %JQPLUGINS{"ui::dialog" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% A dialog is a floating wi...
SetVariablePlugin The main purpose of this plugin is to allow to set topic variables when saving a topic. Url parameters posted to save will be parsed and stored ...
GraphvizPlugin GraphViz is a way of representing structural information as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks. Automatic graph drawing has many important ap...
FlexWebListExamples These are some simple examples to show how to use the basic features of the FlexWebListPlugin. Please create some subwebs in the Sandbox web ...
FlexWebListPlugin Description This is a replacement for Foswiki's standard WEBLIST variable. It is extended to improve the display of hierarchical web structures...
TopicTitlePlugin Note that use of this plugin Foswiki = 2.2.0 is not required. The purpose of this plugin is to backport the TopicTitle feature to earlier Fosw...
Number of topics: 50
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See also: rss-small RSS feed, recent changes with 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 topics, all changes
Topic revision: r1 - 17 November 2015, ProjectContributor
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